Dear ProCon Member
As another year draws to a close, I want to thank you for your support as a member of ProCon Nottinghamshire during 2021.
And I’d like to introduce myself as the new Chair of ProCon. Will Cursham has moved to pastures new and I have assumed the role. I’m very excited about being able to move ProCon Nottinghamshire forward and to capitalise on the excellent work that Will did.
This year began under difficult circumstances for everyone with the pandemic continuing to impact on businesses and families.
We were unable to hold events but we continued with a programme of webinars to allow members to connect and to share information. All of these WEBINARS have been uploaded to the website so please do feel free to view them again.
Latterly this year we have been able to hold a couple of drinks events and these were a delight to be present at with members able to connect again after a considerable time of not meeting.
We’re busy putting a calendar of events together for next year and will email when we have more details.
I’d also very much like to say a huge thank you to our twenty two 2021 PATRONS, whose support enables ProCon to enhance our offer to members.
Normally by now you will have received your membership renewal invoices for 2022, but this year they will sent in January.
It is thanks to you as our members, our Patrons and our other supporters that ProCon is such a vibrant and vital network that exists for you.
On behalf of the ProCon board I wish you a healthy and peaceful Christmas and a bright and prosperous 2022.
Emma Atkins, Chair – ProCon Nottinghamshire